For my opinion when I watched the video A
Leader’s Legacy Tun Abdul Razak I think Datuk Seri Najib is not continuing his
father’s legacy. Tun Abdul Razak was our 2nd Prime Minister after
Tunku Abdul Rahman. Tun Abdul Razak had played a huge part in making Malaysia
for what it is today. But, this legacy has not been shown by his son Najib
Razak, our current prime minister. Tun Abdul Razak had tried many ways to unite
all people at that time. He also calm when May 13 incident, a day that changed
Malaysian politics where the entire nation lived in infamy. When Malaysian experiencing
a crisis with communist parties is becoming more common, he took a step that
not everyone agreed that a visit to China to meet President Mao. For me, Tun
Abdul Razak had taken the right steps to solve the problems that occur than
keep silent
Datuk Seri Najib begin with new concept that was 1 Malaysia, on 16 September 2010,
calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more
strongly emphasise ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance. Datuk Seri Najib creates 1 Malaysia to stresses national unity and ethnic tolerance
but I think this concept his father’s Tun Abdul Razak has established over the
years, but not everyone is aware of that concept. Nowadays, if we look closely Malay people now
increasingly looked down upon by other races because of their own attitude. All the things that Datuk Seri Najib does have
long been existence since his father became prime minister, but just use the
new concept to attract the community. The unities that Tun Abdul Razak built
were destroyed because of a dispute between political parties now. Datuk Seri Najib
also do not know what action should be made to resolve the problems that occur
When Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development (MeCD) abolished by
Datuk Seri Najib many people do not say anything no demonstration, no protest
and no attack. Perhaps
they have forgotten that the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative
Development is an important and strategic ministry in improving the standard of
living of the Malays, the people who now are the majority group in the category
of poor and hardcore poor in Malaysia. Now, Malay people will poor and being
looked down upon by other races. This is just my POV, I do not mean anything.
Agree with you but my POV is Najib's concept is also good