Sunday, 5 August 2012

Several eureka moment that you have experienced throughout the documentary

              Several eureka moments that I have been experienced at 30 July 2012 are when we want to pay attention to the cards, remember and choose one of those cards. Then, the trick begin, what I don’t expect is the cards all same nothing different. First attention or game 1 is when the magician does his magic to the money. All the surroundings change and I didn’t notice at all because I am focusing on the trick, but I notice that the hat change black to brown. So, we can’t notice because we are focusing on one thing at the same time. Then, when give the picture and remember what have changed is difficult to me. Many things have changed in that picture. In second picture, we have to identify what have changed, I only discovered two things but there are seven changes in picture. Game 3 is when receptionist change but only three people notice that. This method maybe can trick our brain if we don’t careful. In game 4, when Appolo do his survey to take things from people. 

We have to notice what things he takes from that man. I only can notice the handkerchief and scarf he took from that man, wallet and phone I don’t know. Our brain also cannot do many works at the same time, we can mess it at all. For example, when we are too focus on driving and answered the question at that time it can disturb our attention. I also didn't notice three animals behind Appolo, because pay attention what he say and do, what I have notice is all his things change into freeze drinks. When host tells us to count how many dancer dancing in the circle when they dance I only notice the penguin walk in the middle because I am not to focus count dancer in the circle. I also know that when we are in hypnosis, we can say and remember the impossible words fast than before. Lastly, we are paying the attention at back of the picture that says “Are You Paying Attention”. I did not notice every game have brain. So, pay the attention what we are doing. 

1 comment:

  1. Some of your Eureka moments are same as mine. Never see that coming right?
